Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Make Detail Diagram

In detail diagram we design ht flow of database in our diagram form so that every process of our database is clear.
Here is the example of detail diagram.

1 .
2 .

3 . 

4 . 

5 .

Hope you learn how to make a detail diagram to design a database.

How To Make Context Level Diagram

Here Is an simple example of context level diagram of an database of hospital management system.

How To Make 0 level Diagram

For the designing of database we make 0 level diagram so because of this the any one can easily understand that how the database designed.
0 level have a combination of three parts.
1 . Entity
2 . Process
3 . Stored File

Here we have an example of 0 level Diagram

This is a 0 level diagram of a hospital management system.

Parts : -
 (1) Entities
- Patient
- Staff
- Food Service
- Payroll System
- Patient Account
  (2) Process
- Registration Process
- Patient Appointment
- Doctor Concern
- Patient Checkup
- Blood Group Verification
- Patient Tests
- Admit Patient
- Employee Pay Roll
- Treatment Bill

  (3) Stored File
- Patient Record
- Patient Report
- Employees Pay
- Patient Bills OR Account